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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Western Deamon Motorcycle

Here is How I got the Western Daemon Motorcycle, After Title Update 1.16.
This one is fully modded, except for the custom aero fuel tank.

First I went to the Del Perro Beach Pier, at 22:00. then started a gang attack.
There are two Daemons under the pier at the second set of pillars from the walkway almost to the middle. You have to start the gang attack from this side
Note:This will only work between 22:00 and 04:00, so check your iFruit phone's time

After the gang attack get on one of color, It will not work with a white or back one. then head to to the gas station quick shop at Vespucci St. 

Then drive slowly up Vespucci St. between Ginger St, and San Andreas Ave. you will see a patch in the road that looks like they repaired the water line. it angles out into the middle of the street, then back. this is where you will find another western daemon motorcycle. right where you see the Bati 801

Get off the one you are on and take the one on parked on the street, then head to your apartment's garage. once in the garage get back on, and head to Los Santos Customs and get full coverage Insurance, then modify it as you wish.

I have done this, and got a Western Daemon Motorcycle 12 times in the same session about a total of 4 real time hours = about 7 GTA Online days. I was getting them for in-game friends. when I got one I would drive it to them, (Not my garage) then I would give it to them

Tip: If The Western Daemon Motorcycle doesn't appear? Drive around for a few minutes, away from this area and come back, but come back from the gas station driving up the hill. It will not appear from the other direction driving down the hill.
It hasn't for me.

Tip: Drive slowly turn passive mode on, so other players don't kill you. When you see a player coming after you get off the motrocycle and stand on something high enough so they can't run you over. If they take, or destroy the motorcycle? Don't worry just go do another gang attack.

FYI: You can't keep any Western Daemon Motorcycle you get from any missions, jobs, race, or gang attacks. You can only keep the ones you find in free roam. 

FYI: The chances of finding one, that you can keep in free roam without driving a Western Daemon Motorcycle you can't keep is almost zero.
Go do to the gang attack under the pier, then start driving it around you will find one, it may take an hour to find one, but usually within 30 minutes

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